Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Romeo n Juliet
I read the fan-fiction that Ross suggested and it gave me an idea to write this:)
The point for my fan-fiction is 'To find a true love is difficult', based on Romeo and Juliet. All characters from Shakespeares. I wanted to have the feeling of both old-fashioned like a fairy tale and modern style too. For instance, in the movie Romeo(Leonardo Di caprio) and Juliet, it was kind of mixture?, there were some cars, but also some ancient stuffs. So, in the story, I made contrast clearly between writing and conversation.
Once upon a time, there was a young and handsome man by the name of Romeo Montague. Romeo was in love with Juliet… and Beatrice and Desdemona and who knows who else. Romeo loved women more than anything in life, except himself. In fact, Romeo was in love with just about any girl who wore a dress and that was his problem. Beatrice was one of his ladies who loved Romeo. One day, she became suspicious, when her eagle eyes spotted lipstick on Romeo’s collar. She wondered whose soft lips had made such a perfect impression on Romeo’s collar. Beatrice was a very clever girl, some people said perhaps, even a little too clever. She promptly decided to dress up as a man and put on a hat and a false moustache. To find a Romeo, she went out to a pub in a neighbourhood where Romeo frequently attended. It was densely filled with noisy, drunken people. Well timed! With a smile and a manly swagger, she took a seat closer to Romeo. Beside Romeo sat Benedick, Beatrice’s brother. Beatrice was enjoying herself immensely. They began to prattle on all about women and their foibles. As Romeo uttered each complaint Beatrice’s grin grew tighter and revenge, like a small dark fire ignited inside her. Needless to say, Romeo was proud of his gift for speech and he considered it just one of his many weapons to capture the hearts of women.‘Why don’t you get a girl friend, Benedick? I can introduce some of mine. You know I have hundreds of women. They become mine within a day. Easy peezy. I met a new girl last night in a nightclub, and she is damn hot and sexy compared to Desdemona! Desdemona is too gentle, follows me whatever I do, agree with me all the time and it is boring now. My next girl, Juliet, is pretty but she is a bit dumb.’Beatrice’s nails dug forcefully deep into the wooden chair.Romeo continued to brag.‘Another one, Beatrice is interesting girl so I used to have fun with her but she is unkind and weird in some way. You know what? She also had plastic surgery!! If you ask me I reckon she needs still a bit more.’Romeo and Benedick laughed out loud. Just then, Beatrice stood up promptly and get out of the pub as she could bear it no longer. She ground her teeth with vexation and was eager for revenge. The next day, she directly spread a rumour everybody about Romeo that he is a playboy, crazy about women and a braggart. It was circulated real fast. Juliet happened to hear of it, too and couldn’t believe it at first, because she firmly believed him no matter what they say. She thought it was an idle rumour. Nevertheless, it appeared to be true by others’ witness, and constantly kept hearing gossip from surroundings. It was doubtful whether the rumour was true or not. That night, Juliet turned her step toward to Desdemona’s home with a fretful state of mind and was told everything that had happened thoroughly and with great attention to detail. They were good friends and both loved Romeo. The terrible truth about Romeo was almost too much for Juliet to bear. Everything she knew about Romeo was not real, but fake. She started to shed a shower of tears, but soon repressed her tears.
‘A Liar, you broke our faith. You betrayed my trust in you.’
She thought. Desdemona spoke words of cheer while thinking of a big plan and suggested Juliet to act that is… She hesitated for a moment and then…
Few days later, Juliet
Finally my work’s done up to here. I was thinking about revenge but the ending…get married is too boring? Happy ending is just same as others, normal ordinary stories? or break up is what you would not expect or no ending and imagination is responsible for readers to take?? I think I should think about this more..
The point for my fan-fiction is 'To find a true love is difficult', based on Romeo and Juliet. All characters from Shakespeares. I wanted to have the feeling of both old-fashioned like a fairy tale and modern style too. For instance, in the movie Romeo(Leonardo Di caprio) and Juliet, it was kind of mixture?, there were some cars, but also some ancient stuffs. So, in the story, I made contrast clearly between writing and conversation.
Once upon a time, there was a young and handsome man by the name of Romeo Montague. Romeo was in love with Juliet… and Beatrice and Desdemona and who knows who else. Romeo loved women more than anything in life, except himself. In fact, Romeo was in love with just about any girl who wore a dress and that was his problem. Beatrice was one of his ladies who loved Romeo. One day, she became suspicious, when her eagle eyes spotted lipstick on Romeo’s collar. She wondered whose soft lips had made such a perfect impression on Romeo’s collar. Beatrice was a very clever girl, some people said perhaps, even a little too clever. She promptly decided to dress up as a man and put on a hat and a false moustache. To find a Romeo, she went out to a pub in a neighbourhood where Romeo frequently attended. It was densely filled with noisy, drunken people. Well timed! With a smile and a manly swagger, she took a seat closer to Romeo. Beside Romeo sat Benedick, Beatrice’s brother. Beatrice was enjoying herself immensely. They began to prattle on all about women and their foibles. As Romeo uttered each complaint Beatrice’s grin grew tighter and revenge, like a small dark fire ignited inside her. Needless to say, Romeo was proud of his gift for speech and he considered it just one of his many weapons to capture the hearts of women.‘Why don’t you get a girl friend, Benedick? I can introduce some of mine. You know I have hundreds of women. They become mine within a day. Easy peezy. I met a new girl last night in a nightclub, and she is damn hot and sexy compared to Desdemona! Desdemona is too gentle, follows me whatever I do, agree with me all the time and it is boring now. My next girl, Juliet, is pretty but she is a bit dumb.’Beatrice’s nails dug forcefully deep into the wooden chair.Romeo continued to brag.‘Another one, Beatrice is interesting girl so I used to have fun with her but she is unkind and weird in some way. You know what? She also had plastic surgery!! If you ask me I reckon she needs still a bit more.’Romeo and Benedick laughed out loud. Just then, Beatrice stood up promptly and get out of the pub as she could bear it no longer. She ground her teeth with vexation and was eager for revenge. The next day, she directly spread a rumour everybody about Romeo that he is a playboy, crazy about women and a braggart. It was circulated real fast. Juliet happened to hear of it, too and couldn’t believe it at first, because she firmly believed him no matter what they say. She thought it was an idle rumour. Nevertheless, it appeared to be true by others’ witness, and constantly kept hearing gossip from surroundings. It was doubtful whether the rumour was true or not. That night, Juliet turned her step toward to Desdemona’s home with a fretful state of mind and was told everything that had happened thoroughly and with great attention to detail. They were good friends and both loved Romeo. The terrible truth about Romeo was almost too much for Juliet to bear. Everything she knew about Romeo was not real, but fake. She started to shed a shower of tears, but soon repressed her tears.
‘A Liar, you broke our faith. You betrayed my trust in you.’
She thought. Desdemona spoke words of cheer while thinking of a big plan and suggested Juliet to act that is… She hesitated for a moment and then…
Few days later, Juliet
Finally my work’s done up to here. I was thinking about revenge but the ending…get married is too boring? Happy ending is just same as others, normal ordinary stories? or break up is what you would not expect or no ending and imagination is responsible for readers to take?? I think I should think about this more..
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Nestle Vs Cadbury, the Rescue of Private Ryan
hey everyone,
my draft story (just have to edit it really) is pretty much done. It is a rip off of the movie saving private Ryan, only instead of Americans fighting Germans in World War Two you have the Chocolate people of Cadbury And Nestle battling it out. Any feed back and ways i can aprove it or whatever will be much appreciated!
The battle of Nestle and Cadbury had been raging for years now, long after humans left this earth the superior chocolate beings rose to take their place as the new ‘dominant’ species on the planet. But a war raged between the two different types of chocolate species, Cadbury and Nestle. Peace was never known to this earth when humans were around, it is no different when chocolate armies rule the world! The current record of battle takes place on 12th February 2300.
Sergeant Choco was making his final checks of the battlements his team had so craftily put together in the last two days. All plasma choc guns and gummy cannons were assembled and placed for ready battle.
‘’Lieutenant Milker! Make sure the men are all in position by 1800 hours, according to our scouts those Nestle scum will be upon us within the hour!’’
Almost done now, the men had been working furiously for the past day to fortify one of the last Cadbury making chocolate factories in New York, if this place fell, they would not have much left to fight for.
The scenes were rather chaotic, final preparations were stillbeing taken care of. The Milky white snipers had all positioned themselves in their assigned turrets and towers and high places to snipe from, they had a perfect view of the flat land that was surrounding the factory. If the Nestle tyrants were coming, they would at least see the bastards when they made their move.
All seems to be in place, thought Sargeant Choco, all there is to do now is to check on the prisoner. As he made his way to the back of the factory he laid his eyes on the single prisoner the Cadbury army had taken in the last battle. He was a mess, he was missing one of his chocolate arms and he had lost a few chunks of chocolately goodness from his face (a nightmare thing to recover from if you are made of nothing but chocolate!) behind a very solid steel door he stood, which had been fortified even more with the use of chocolate sealant around the cracks of the doors, once it sets its almost impossible to break. Why this soldier of the Nestles was still alive Sargent Choco could not say, but for some reason he felt killing him was not the right thing to do as of yet. The Nestley army knew they had one of their men, and he was hoping they would make stupid decisions in an attempt to get him back which would make Cadbury’s job of ‘extermination’ much easier.
As he climbed the stairs to the wall of the factory from where the enemy would attack he straightend his red cap and looked out at the sunset that was visible off in the distance. With a fortified factory of his bravest men ready to die for the Cadbury nation, he had no fear for the coming onslaught. Little did he know that tonight would be his last one on earth…
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6 men, that’s all. Huddled together below a mound of earth 3 kilometres away were the Nestlians. A proud bunch and battle hardened they were. Unusually large for a group of chocolate soldiers most of them stood at 7ft tall. They were armed with the standard 303 calibre chewy rifles, other than that their weapons were limited except for their key siege weapon which one of them held within his coat. When private Ryan was captured from their camp, his brother Captain Cheery Ripe Ryan was going to stop at nothing to save him. But as it was the with Nestlians if you lose one of your own it is not much of a loss, they pump these soldiers out of their chocolate factories like no tomorrow. And so it was, only 5 brave men had followed Captain Ripe to the brink of their certain deaths to try and save his brother. If it was one thing the captain got from his team, it was loyalty.
As he stood over his men and looked down at their milky white faces he saw not fear, but a fierceness in their eyes. He knew they would do anything for him to get his brother out of the factory alive.
‘’Alright boys, we know we are out numbered 5 to 1, they have the weapons and they have the technology. But what we have which they never will is the element of surprise. We have thirty minutes until night sets, we move as soon as the last ounce of light leaves the sky''.
As he rose above the mound to take one last look at the factory before their siege, he saw a lone figure on the wall with a lopsided cap. Tonight he thought to himself, this man was going to know the might of the Nestlians.
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Inside the compound Private Ryan had given up hope, what was left of it anyway. 1 month after his capture he barely had the strength to walk. Not that the Cadbrians would let him walk anyway. The holes in his face were a result of rather brutal torture from his captors, they had used the electrifying milk ray gun on him many times. Having no idea where he was he stared at the big steel door only 6ft away from him, his room of detainment was very small. Seeping through the cracks he recognised chocolate sealant. Why they had used this he had no idea. The man hardly had the strength to stand let alone attempt to break down a solid steel door. Close to passing out again from exhaustion he thought of his brother and the last time they had seen each other, all he had of him now was a memory, he was certain he would never see him again. After he blacked out the explosion and piercing white light from outside his cell was not enough of a commotion for him to regain consciousness. And so the battle ensued
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‘’Holy mother of Cadbury! They have used a white chocolate exploder bomb!’’ cried sergeant Choco.
“Quick men cover yourselves from the falling boiling chocolate!”
But it was too late, they had not expected this sort of attack from the Nestlians. Many of his men were already running around in sheer panic and terror, most were encased in a white chocolate liquid that was burning their dark chocolate skins right off. As chaos spread throughout the factory of Cadbury the front reinforced door came flying off its hinges. 6 brave men from Nestle came storming in with nothing but sheer anger in their chocy hearts. Spreading out they began their onslaught against the Cadbrians. Many of them fell to their Chewy rifles as they began to progress through the factory in search of the captains brother.
‘’that's it boys we have them!’’ cried Captain Ripe.
As he looked up the captain saw the man with the red cap running around in panic trying to organise his men for a well organised defence. The captain had to take him down now before any sort of control was regained by the enemy.
‘’Keep searching through the factory and kill as many as you can!’’
He then made a beeline up to the top of the wall where the sergeant stood, whipping out his golden knife he lunged forward at him, his enemy did not have enough time to react and the captains blade ran right through him. As he fell Sergeant Choco looked up at the darkening sky, it was the last image he saw.
‘’Sir!’’, one of the men shouted to Captain Ripe.
‘’We are being over run, half of our men have just been taken out by a god dam gummy cannon! We have located your brother he is being held in a cell at the back!’’
‘’Ok, hold them off I’m on it!’’
As he ran towards the back of the factory he ducked and dived as bullets and plasmas of chocolate flew all around him, it was all a flash of light and fighting, he could see the men fighting and many of them falling but he now had only one goal, get to his brother. As he made it to the back of the factory he saw a large steel door with reinforcing chocolate sealant around its sides.
‘’This must be it!’’ he screamed!
Pulling out of his belt he retrieved his sealant melter gun and set to work. In no time he had the door open and managed to get his brother over his shoulder. But just as he reached the door another huge explosion went off. The force of it picked up the two brothers and they flew 6 meters in the air before coming to rest on the ground. With his head now swimming the captain looked up at a hole which had been blown in the back of the factory.
Struggling to his feet with his brother he made his way towards it. He knew now his men were dead, he could hear the remaining Cadbrians shouting with glee and excitement in what they thought was the extermination of all the Nestlians. As the captain made his way through the hole he used every last ounce of his effort to get himself and his brother as far away as possible from the factory. Falling from exhaustion the captain stopped under cover of a small hill about 2 kilometres away.
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Private Ryan’s face was hot, sweaty, and also felt like it was melting. He could hear another mans voice talking over him, it sounded frantic but at the same time familiar and comforting. Too delirious and exhausted private Ryan was unable to open his eyes. The voice he was hearing reminded him of his brother Cheery Ripe. As he felt life slowly ebbing away from his rich chocolate body he knew his time was up… It was then that private Ryan died the happiest he had been in months hearing his brothers lost voice one last time.
my draft story (just have to edit it really) is pretty much done. It is a rip off of the movie saving private Ryan, only instead of Americans fighting Germans in World War Two you have the Chocolate people of Cadbury And Nestle battling it out. Any feed back and ways i can aprove it or whatever will be much appreciated!
The battle of Nestle and Cadbury had been raging for years now, long after humans left this earth the superior chocolate beings rose to take their place as the new ‘dominant’ species on the planet. But a war raged between the two different types of chocolate species, Cadbury and Nestle. Peace was never known to this earth when humans were around, it is no different when chocolate armies rule the world! The current record of battle takes place on 12th February 2300.
Sergeant Choco was making his final checks of the battlements his team had so craftily put together in the last two days. All plasma choc guns and gummy cannons were assembled and placed for ready battle.
‘’Lieutenant Milker! Make sure the men are all in position by 1800 hours, according to our scouts those Nestle scum will be upon us within the hour!’’
Almost done now, the men had been working furiously for the past day to fortify one of the last Cadbury making chocolate factories in New York, if this place fell, they would not have much left to fight for.
The scenes were rather chaotic, final preparations were stillbeing taken care of. The Milky white snipers had all positioned themselves in their assigned turrets and towers and high places to snipe from, they had a perfect view of the flat land that was surrounding the factory. If the Nestle tyrants were coming, they would at least see the bastards when they made their move.
All seems to be in place, thought Sargeant Choco, all there is to do now is to check on the prisoner. As he made his way to the back of the factory he laid his eyes on the single prisoner the Cadbury army had taken in the last battle. He was a mess, he was missing one of his chocolate arms and he had lost a few chunks of chocolately goodness from his face (a nightmare thing to recover from if you are made of nothing but chocolate!) behind a very solid steel door he stood, which had been fortified even more with the use of chocolate sealant around the cracks of the doors, once it sets its almost impossible to break. Why this soldier of the Nestles was still alive Sargent Choco could not say, but for some reason he felt killing him was not the right thing to do as of yet. The Nestley army knew they had one of their men, and he was hoping they would make stupid decisions in an attempt to get him back which would make Cadbury’s job of ‘extermination’ much easier.
As he climbed the stairs to the wall of the factory from where the enemy would attack he straightend his red cap and looked out at the sunset that was visible off in the distance. With a fortified factory of his bravest men ready to die for the Cadbury nation, he had no fear for the coming onslaught. Little did he know that tonight would be his last one on earth…
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6 men, that’s all. Huddled together below a mound of earth 3 kilometres away were the Nestlians. A proud bunch and battle hardened they were. Unusually large for a group of chocolate soldiers most of them stood at 7ft tall. They were armed with the standard 303 calibre chewy rifles, other than that their weapons were limited except for their key siege weapon which one of them held within his coat. When private Ryan was captured from their camp, his brother Captain Cheery Ripe Ryan was going to stop at nothing to save him. But as it was the with Nestlians if you lose one of your own it is not much of a loss, they pump these soldiers out of their chocolate factories like no tomorrow. And so it was, only 5 brave men had followed Captain Ripe to the brink of their certain deaths to try and save his brother. If it was one thing the captain got from his team, it was loyalty.
As he stood over his men and looked down at their milky white faces he saw not fear, but a fierceness in their eyes. He knew they would do anything for him to get his brother out of the factory alive.
‘’Alright boys, we know we are out numbered 5 to 1, they have the weapons and they have the technology. But what we have which they never will is the element of surprise. We have thirty minutes until night sets, we move as soon as the last ounce of light leaves the sky''.
As he rose above the mound to take one last look at the factory before their siege, he saw a lone figure on the wall with a lopsided cap. Tonight he thought to himself, this man was going to know the might of the Nestlians.
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Inside the compound Private Ryan had given up hope, what was left of it anyway. 1 month after his capture he barely had the strength to walk. Not that the Cadbrians would let him walk anyway. The holes in his face were a result of rather brutal torture from his captors, they had used the electrifying milk ray gun on him many times. Having no idea where he was he stared at the big steel door only 6ft away from him, his room of detainment was very small. Seeping through the cracks he recognised chocolate sealant. Why they had used this he had no idea. The man hardly had the strength to stand let alone attempt to break down a solid steel door. Close to passing out again from exhaustion he thought of his brother and the last time they had seen each other, all he had of him now was a memory, he was certain he would never see him again. After he blacked out the explosion and piercing white light from outside his cell was not enough of a commotion for him to regain consciousness. And so the battle ensued
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‘’Holy mother of Cadbury! They have used a white chocolate exploder bomb!’’ cried sergeant Choco.
“Quick men cover yourselves from the falling boiling chocolate!”
But it was too late, they had not expected this sort of attack from the Nestlians. Many of his men were already running around in sheer panic and terror, most were encased in a white chocolate liquid that was burning their dark chocolate skins right off. As chaos spread throughout the factory of Cadbury the front reinforced door came flying off its hinges. 6 brave men from Nestle came storming in with nothing but sheer anger in their chocy hearts. Spreading out they began their onslaught against the Cadbrians. Many of them fell to their Chewy rifles as they began to progress through the factory in search of the captains brother.
‘’that's it boys we have them!’’ cried Captain Ripe.
As he looked up the captain saw the man with the red cap running around in panic trying to organise his men for a well organised defence. The captain had to take him down now before any sort of control was regained by the enemy.
‘’Keep searching through the factory and kill as many as you can!’’
He then made a beeline up to the top of the wall where the sergeant stood, whipping out his golden knife he lunged forward at him, his enemy did not have enough time to react and the captains blade ran right through him. As he fell Sergeant Choco looked up at the darkening sky, it was the last image he saw.
‘’Sir!’’, one of the men shouted to Captain Ripe.
‘’We are being over run, half of our men have just been taken out by a god dam gummy cannon! We have located your brother he is being held in a cell at the back!’’
‘’Ok, hold them off I’m on it!’’
As he ran towards the back of the factory he ducked and dived as bullets and plasmas of chocolate flew all around him, it was all a flash of light and fighting, he could see the men fighting and many of them falling but he now had only one goal, get to his brother. As he made it to the back of the factory he saw a large steel door with reinforcing chocolate sealant around its sides.
‘’This must be it!’’ he screamed!
Pulling out of his belt he retrieved his sealant melter gun and set to work. In no time he had the door open and managed to get his brother over his shoulder. But just as he reached the door another huge explosion went off. The force of it picked up the two brothers and they flew 6 meters in the air before coming to rest on the ground. With his head now swimming the captain looked up at a hole which had been blown in the back of the factory.
Struggling to his feet with his brother he made his way towards it. He knew now his men were dead, he could hear the remaining Cadbrians shouting with glee and excitement in what they thought was the extermination of all the Nestlians. As the captain made his way through the hole he used every last ounce of his effort to get himself and his brother as far away as possible from the factory. Falling from exhaustion the captain stopped under cover of a small hill about 2 kilometres away.
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Private Ryan’s face was hot, sweaty, and also felt like it was melting. He could hear another mans voice talking over him, it sounded frantic but at the same time familiar and comforting. Too delirious and exhausted private Ryan was unable to open his eyes. The voice he was hearing reminded him of his brother Cheery Ripe. As he felt life slowly ebbing away from his rich chocolate body he knew his time was up… It was then that private Ryan died the happiest he had been in months hearing his brothers lost voice one last time.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Ross's Thread : G.M's BIG day.
So this is the thread dedicated to my peice of fanfiction,
A play on the original tale of 'The Gingerbread man', Author unknown. Considering a modern issue in a light hearted and very fictional version of the traditional story.
Here is the beggining, still being drafted and with that constructive criticism or suggestions would be much appreciated...
In a land far away, but in this current day, lived a little old man and a little old woman with a fondness for gingerbread men. One fine morning the little old man and little old woman were compelled to make just one, for there appetite was seldom large. Upon consultation of the pantry, they discovered a shortage of flour. “Bollocks” they exclaimed at the exact same time, as you would if you were one cupful of flour short of a gingerbread man.
Wandering the isle’s of the local Woolworths they came across flour. Amongst the stacks of flour, large as they were, lay a new variety of flour. Curious, and blind to the fact that it had a “Genetically Modified Product” sticker on the packet ( it did not help that today both had forgotten there glasses, with the stress that flour shopping brings) they purchased 5 kg’s of it, for this frustration never helps the health.
Following the quick baking procedure (one of the many appealing traits of gingerbread men) they removed the gingerbread man from the oven (not a second to soon I may add). While cooling, He was iced and clothed with cherry buttons and raisin eyes in proper gingerbread man fashion. They soon popped off, creating a great deal of confusion, for they were only held by icing, but flew off , as do buttons of clothes that don’t fit. They cautiously watched the Gingerbread man as he grew like no other. Around 60 cm’s (we all know that good gingerbread men are 15 centimeters tall) small muscles formed and he started wriggling. The little old lady fainted. The little old man shuffled off to find rope.
A play on the original tale of 'The Gingerbread man', Author unknown. Considering a modern issue in a light hearted and very fictional version of the traditional story.
Here is the beggining, still being drafted and with that constructive criticism or suggestions would be much appreciated...
In a land far away, but in this current day, lived a little old man and a little old woman with a fondness for gingerbread men. One fine morning the little old man and little old woman were compelled to make just one, for there appetite was seldom large. Upon consultation of the pantry, they discovered a shortage of flour. “Bollocks” they exclaimed at the exact same time, as you would if you were one cupful of flour short of a gingerbread man.
Wandering the isle’s of the local Woolworths they came across flour. Amongst the stacks of flour, large as they were, lay a new variety of flour. Curious, and blind to the fact that it had a “Genetically Modified Product” sticker on the packet ( it did not help that today both had forgotten there glasses, with the stress that flour shopping brings) they purchased 5 kg’s of it, for this frustration never helps the health.
Following the quick baking procedure (one of the many appealing traits of gingerbread men) they removed the gingerbread man from the oven (not a second to soon I may add). While cooling, He was iced and clothed with cherry buttons and raisin eyes in proper gingerbread man fashion. They soon popped off, creating a great deal of confusion, for they were only held by icing, but flew off , as do buttons of clothes that don’t fit. They cautiously watched the Gingerbread man as he grew like no other. Around 60 cm’s (we all know that good gingerbread men are 15 centimeters tall) small muscles formed and he started wriggling. The little old lady fainted. The little old man shuffled off to find rope.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hello everyone
just practising my touch typing..... look forward to hearing from you. by the way Mahe Drysdale won the last race this morning at Lake Karapiro. he'll bring back gold from Beijing. anyone interested in rowing?
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